Issue #175: The Last Place Finisher

Good morning. It’s Friday, April 21st. And we’re back to our normally scheduled programming. 😁

Today’s Quick Win

  • Weekly Insights: The 411 About Nutrition Labels

  • Inspiration: The Last Place Finisher

  • Brain Games: Languages

Eat less from a box and more from the earth.
— Anonymous

The amount of all food wasted in America - this equates to 119B pounds, 130B meals and $408B. (Feeding America)

Weekly Insights

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For the last 36 years, the guy finishing last was the same person - Dave McGillivray.

He’s actually the race director of the Boston Marathon and can’t start until he’s done with work.

Whether it’s 9 or 11pm that night - he still crosses the finish line. 

A high achiever, Dave was #1 in his class in high school and college. But as a huge Boston sports fan, Dave dreamed of being an athlete. At 5’ 4”, his options were limited. So he started running…a lot. 

Fitness became his tool to make his stamp on the world.

In 1978, he ran 3,452 miles from Medford, OR to Medford, MA (his hometown) in just 80 days. Running over 40 miles/day to raise money for The Jimmy Fund

Three years later, he ran the Boston Marathon blindfolded (with 2 guides) to raise $10K for the Carroll Center for the Blind. He continued these crazy endeavors - swimming 7 miles between Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod and for 24 straight hours in his high school’s Olympic-sized pool.

In 2004, 26 years after his cross-country run, Dave completed a relay race of the 1978 route to raise $300,000 for children’s charities. 

He’s since started his own foundation (Finish Strong) to inspire and empower youth to increase physical activity, expand literacy, and build community through running, reading and performing acts of kindness.

This week he finished his 51st Boston Marathon. 

“At the end of my life, I’d like to think I gave everything I had and then some, until I simply ‘run’ out of time.” 

Dave’s TED Talk HERE.

Brain Games | Learn a Language

Greek, Mandarin, French - go learn a new language. Forget most of Spanish from HS and always get caught speaking Spanglish in Mexico? Then go solve that problem. It’s a major commitment, but if it’s something you’ve been thinking about, new apps make it faster and more convenient.

Why: Why not? We’re never too old - plus being multi-lingual improves memory, visuospatial cognition and creativity

Inspiration: Dreams of building a house in another country without a language barrier

Thanks for another great week! Next week we’re talking about recovery and injury management. In the meantime, here’s a song by a band from Boston about the time Dave ran across the country…

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We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

This newsletter is for you and we truly value your feedback. Never hesitate to reach out to us at

To health! 

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Issue #176: Do NOT Use Ice for Injuries


Issue #174: Time is Your Enemy in the Grocery Store