The Transformative Power of Epigenetics


  • Think our genetics is the top factor that determines our health & longevity? Think again! The decisions we make on a daily basis can actually influence our genes and change our lifespan and healthspan more than the DNA from our parents.

  • What we eat, how much we sleep, how often we exercise, even how we feel changes the expression of our genes (are they flipped on or off) - that’s the power of epigenetics.

  • It’s still emerging science, but this new field of study is changing not only how we should manage our health, but how we should live our life.

  • Beyond feeling we have the power to change our future health, epigenetics is super exciting because it offers the potential for personalized medicine and new ways to overcome chronic disease.

We’re In Control

In the quest for optimal health and longevity, genetics has long been viewed as the cornerstone. However, emerging research in the field of epigenetics is reshaping our understanding of how our health is determined. At some point you were probably told that our genes and DNA hold the key to our future health. Some of us have a higher probability for cancer and others for Alzheimer’s Disease - we just need to accept our fate.

Look it's true - our genes definitely matter. But the reality is that our genes only impact about 20% of our future health outcomes. We control the rest by how we live! 

Understanding the Significance of Epigenetics

Epigenetics is rapidly gaining traction as a key player in our health and wellbeing. Unlike genetics, which is the study of our DNA sequence, epigenetics involves the study of changes in gene expression that do not alter the DNA sequence itself. It’s this gene expression that plays a significant role in our health - and these changes are influenced by a variety of external factors, most of which we can control - including lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, and sleep, and environmental exposures like the toxins smoke, mold, and pesticides.

If you can dig way back into your memories of high school biology, you might recall that our DNA has four (4) bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Every single of our 30+ trillion cells has coiled DNA with 3 billion pairs (A-T, G-C, etc.) that decode who we are. It’s essentially the instruction manual for how to build and maintain your specific body.

The DNA in every cell in our body is the exact same - a skin cell, a liver cell, an eye cell. If that's the case - then how do these cells know to create a different organ or function in the body?

The answer…epigenetics.

Think of it this way - if our DNA is the computer, epigenetics is the software - which can run smoothly or be full of bugs. Or our DNA is the piano, epigenetics the musician - playing chop sticks or a Mozart concerto. Or even our DNA is the list of ingredients, epigenetics the chef - who can make a 5-star meal or something we would never eat.

Decoding the Mechanics of Epigenetics

At its core, epigenetics is about the dynamic changes in how our genes are expressed - which genes are turned "on" or "off." This process is regulated through several mechanisms:

  • DNA Methylation: This involves the addition or removal of a methyl group to DNA, influencing gene readability and activity.

  • Histone Modification: DNA wraps around proteins called histones. The way these histones are modified affects the packing of DNA as well as its activity.

  • Non-coding RNA: These molecules play a role in controlling gene expression by interacting with coding RNAs and proteins.

These mechanisms work in tandem to regulate gene activity without altering the underlying DNA sequence, thereby impacting our health in numerous ways.

Influencing Our Epigenetics

Our epigenome manually creates chemical tags that turn genes on or off, changing their function - everything from how we see, how we think, and how we heal. 

This is happening every second of every day. It might not seem like it - but the daily changes in our epigenome are just as profound for us in adulthood as for our toddlers who seem to be on supersonic growth mode.

Talk about empowering! While we can't change our genetic code, we hold the keys to influence our epigenetics through lifestyle choices:

  • Diet: What we eat can impact epigenetic markers, influencing gene expression. It may seem obvious, but colorful fruits (blueberries) and veggies (brussels sprouts), nuts (walnuts, almonds), seeds (pumpkin), and lean protein (salmon, Greek yogurt) create positive changes in our genes. On the flip side, eating too much ultra-processed food will negatively impact our gene expression.

  • Exercise: It’s one of the most powerful drugs in the world - and it’s free. Unlike other drugs that mask our symptoms, working out on a consistent basis can positively change our epigenome and actually improve our health. That’s why it’s so important to get in Zone 2 and Zone 5 training in each week - plus strength training.

  • Stress Management: It’s not just what we eat and how much we work out. Stress and our mindset can affect our gene expression. The science is clear that we need to focus on our mental health if we want to maintain our physical health. Practicing mindfulness meditation and breathwork exercises are great ways to reduce stress and boost our epigenome.

  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to various environmental elements, from toxins to social environments, can also induce epigenetic changes. It’s critical to limit exposure to cigarette smoke, pesticides, mold and even plastic to optimize our health.

By understanding and modifying these factors, we can potentially shape our health destiny, moving beyond the limitations set by our genetic inheritance.

The Bottom Line

The world of epigenetics empowers us with the knowledge that we are not just passive recipients of our genetic inheritance. Instead, we have the ability to actively influence our health outcomes through the choices we make every day. By embracing this understanding and applying it to our lives, we can unlock the full potential of our health and longevity, ushering in an era of personalized wellness guided by the groundbreaking insights of epigenetics.

The takeaways

  • Epigenetics empowers individuals to influence their health beyond their genetic makeup.

  • Lifestyle choices, including diet, exercise, and stress management, play a crucial role in epigenetic changes.

  • The field of epigenetics paves the way for personalized health strategies and interventions.

  • Continued research in epigenetics could lead to breakthroughs in disease prevention and treatment.

Thrive25 is a health & longevity company set to inspire and empower all of us to achieve our best health. Our mission is to develop products that simplify the science to make health and longevity approachable, enabling you to make and sustain choices that help you to live life without compromise from your health.

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The information in this article is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25, Inc. does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.


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