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Issue #186: Dancing Dads

Good morning. It’s Saturday, May 13th. Happy Mother’s Day tomorrow (and every day) to all the amazing moms out there - there’s no tougher job and we appreciate all you do for us and our families. 🙏

Today’s Quick Win

  • Inspiration: Dancing Dads

  • What We’re Reading: The Second Mountain

  • Bucket List: Monaco

  • Brain Games: Counting Squares

The number of calories burned during one (1) hour of hip hop dancing. It’ll make sense after you read the inspiration. (Source)

This Week

This week we explored how to combat cancer and heart disease:

Issue #184 - cancer - it’s the second leading cause of death in the US, but many types can be prevented or treated early. Don’t delay screenings for prostate, colon, skin and breast cancer.

Issue #185 - and #1 cause of death, heart disease. 1 out of 5 people die from heart disease, and it causes 10x more deaths than breast cancer in women. Test your waist circumference, blood pressure, Apo B, and get a Calcium scan or test.

And just a reminder - you are the CEO of your health (Issue #35). Know your insurance coverage, and understand your family history and lifestyle risks - have real conversations with your doctor and pursue tests or screens as soon as available.

Click HERE to check out previous issues in the Thrive25 archive.

Inspiration | Dancing Dads

Life is better with friends

Living in LA, I had a group of guys that got together every month. This was in addition to the morning surf sessions, workouts, rounds of golf, and random BBQ’s.

It stuck because it was on the calendar and because we all made it a priority. 

I didn’t really appreciate it at the time - just seemed normal. 

But since moving across the country to a new state without a personal network - followed by a pandemic - it was obvious how much I needed that crew.

Sure most of the conversation revolved around sports and movie quotes - but there were times it seamlessly shifted into challenges with the business, talking about what’s going on in our relationships, and the crazy life of being a dad. 

Oh - and those movie quotes were funny because they related back to some crazy story from life before kids.

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We talk a lot about exercise and nutrition (or this week - health screenings), but having a strong group of friends is about as important as it gets when it comes to both everyday health and longevity.

And I’m not the only one - check out these Google search trends over the last 10 years…

Last week the Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, (author of the book “Together”) came out with a proposal for a national framework to rebuild social connection and community in America.

Well, if you need any inspiration to be willing to meet new people and do something new - check out the Outta Puff Daddys

They’re a group of 42-60 year old dads from the UK that came together to “encourage change in society's approach to mental health. Transforming lives for the better - one dad dance step at a time!”

These guys literally get together every week to practice hip hop dance. 

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They’ve grown to 350K followers on Instagram - but more importantly the connection within the group has helped all the guys get through tough times, including bouts of depression, being out of work, and just the stress of everyday life. 

We all need this community. (maybe even the dancing)

As an introvert myself I’m not in a dancing group - heck, it’s only recently that I’ve found my voice to open up and have deeper conversations with other guys and it’s been an absolute game-changer. 

But I can say with 100% confidence that being more open has made me a better partner, dad, friend, and even improved the relationship with myself. 

The value of the community depends on the quality of the people you surround yourself with. 

That’s why we’re excited to expand beyond a newsletter and to build ways of connecting our readers who share similar interests and values - namely focusing on health & longevity so we can live our best lives for ourselves and for others. 

Here’s our Core Values:

  • Lead with Health

  • Be Curious

  • Maximize Today

  • Process Over Outcomes

  • Inspire Others; Inspire Yourself

If you’re interested in learning more about how to be a more active participant of the Thrive25 community we’d love to hear from you! Click HERE.

Thrive25 Partner Spotlight

T-minus 24 hours! The TMAC Fitness FREE 7-Day, 20-Min Home Workout & Meditation Challenge closes tomorrow (Sunday)!

Join Max and me, and sign up now to reserve your spot and upgrade your mind and body for the summer. There’s literally no downside - give these workouts a try and if you love ‘em, great. If not, you got a week of free workouts. No biggie.

But my bet is that you like the routines and that you’ll see how these workouts help you build strength, improve mobility, and enhance your mindset. It’s the perfect combination of physical and mental health in just 20 minutes!

Check out the free program

Sign up for the FREE 7-day challenge today - CLICK HERE!

What We’re Reading | Second Mountain


It’s been a few years since this book came out (2019), but I’ve just gotten around to it. Really appreciate how David Brooks counters his own research in his previous book “A Road to Character” and calls out the journey to serve ourselves and the motivations to support others. We all climb the first mountain towards what we think is “success” - career promotions, financial stability - but are left feeling empty. After going into the valley on the other side, there’s a second mountain to climb - one that puts aside our ego and societal expectations. We, instead, become focused on how to help others get better and find more joy in that pursuit. It’s an honest and authentic read - give it a go if you’re looking for your next mountain.

Bucket List | Monaco

Visit Monaco

We’re huge fans of the Mediterranean - the lifestyle, the diet, the climate, the blue zones. Monaco may seem like the antithesis with 38,000+ residents stuffed into less than a square mile of space (it’s the second smallest independent state in the world - can you name the first?). But it’s becoming a leader in sustainability, has the world’s first 100% organic Michelin Star restaurant, and is packed full of museums, monuments and heritage trails. Check out the Monaco Grand Prix over Memorial Day weekend.

Brain Games | Counting Squares

How many squares are there?

Product Recs

  • 💊 Momentous - backed with scientific research, direct clinical proof, and patented ingredients, Momentous has world-class products and protocols for high-performance seekers at all levels. Thrive25 subscribers get 15% off the entire product portfolio using code THRIVE at checkout

  • 🍴 Primal Kitchen - want healthy sauces, dressings, or even mayo? Give your meals a kick that’s super clean, but also delicious. Give ‘em a go! Follow this link for 10% off

Thanks for another great week! Celebrate the mom’s in your life and maybe dance a little this weekend:

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  • Check out the latest workout videos on our YouTube channel

  • Got feedback, recommendations or stories to share? Tell us what’s on your mind here

  • Want this direct to your inbox? Sign up here

** Brain Games Answer **

There are 40 squares. Check out why…

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Why Thrive25

We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

This newsletter is for you and we truly value your feedback. Never hesitate to reach out to us at

To health! 

Sign up for free:

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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25 Labs LLC does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.